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Dein Traum vom Praktikum in den USA
Webinar am 24. Oktober 2024; 14:00 Uhr - Jetzt kostenlos anmelden!

Nach dem Abitur ins Ausland?
Webinar am 30. Oktober 2024; 14:00 Uhr - Jetzt kostenlos anmelden!

Dein Traum vom Praktikum in den USA
Webinar am 24. Oktober 2024; 14:00 Uhr - Jetzt kostenlos anmelden!

Nach dem Abitur ins Ausland?
Webinar am 30. Oktober 2024; 14:00 Uhr - Jetzt kostenlos anmelden!

Dein Traum vom Praktikum in den USA
Webinar am 24. Oktober 2024; 14:00 Uhr - Jetzt kostenlos anmelden!

Nach dem Abitur ins Ausland?
Webinar am 30. Oktober 2024; 14:00 Uhr - Jetzt kostenlos anmelden!

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Lokalen Koordinator ++ Freiwilligenarbeit ++ Praktikum ++ Großbritannien

Begrüßen Sie Ihren lokalen Koordinator in England!

Treffen Sie unseren lokalen Koordinator, der Ihnen dabei hilft, Ihren Aufenthalt in England so angenehm wie möglich zu gestalten!

Wir möchten das Team von unserem Partnerbüro in England kurz vorstellen. Elizabeth und ihre Kollegen helfen Ihnen bei Ihrem Freiwilligenprojekt oder bei der Vermittlung und Organisation von Praktika. Sie teilen gerne ihr Insiderwissen mit Ihnen - und machen Ihre Zeit als Weltenbummler zum Höhepunkt Ihres Lebens!

Koordinatoren in England

Fasst man mal die Globetrotter Erfahrung unseres Londoner Partnerbüros zusammen, dann sind die Kollegen schon mindestens einmal um die ganze Welt gereist. Und genauso vielfältig wie ihre Reiseerfahrungen sind auch die Interessen: Musik, TV, Zeichnen, Lesen, Sport, Tiere und und und... Doch in ein paar Punkten sind sie sich einig: London 'is the place to be', Reisen ist das 'hobby N° 1' und die internationalen Praktikanten sollen hier 'the time of their lives' erleben.

Meet Elisabeth!

Where Are You From Originally?

Born in Kazakhstan, living in Berlin all my life.

When Did You Start Providing Internships and Volunteer Travels?

February 2014

Where Else Have You Traveled So Far?

France, Italy, Greece, Russia, Kazakhstan, USA, Great Britain, Poland, Ukraine, Austria.

What is Your Interests in General?

Music, Drawing

What Do You Love about Your Job?

Helping students find the perfect career-enhancing opportunity to go abroad.

What Do You Want to Show Us about Your (New) Home Country?

All the great food markets.

How is Your Daily Life Going?

Wake up, go to work, check all my emails, dinner, go to bed.

What Do You Do at Home to Relax Your Mind?

Watch TV, listen to Music

Outdoor Activities You Love to Do?

Walking through cities I have not been to before.

Meet Lisa!

Where Are You From Originally?


When Did You Start Providing Internships and Volunteer Travels?

September 2014

What is Your Interests in General?

February 2014

What Do You Love about Your Job?

Supporting other students

What Do You Want to Show Us about Your (New) Home Country?

The Spectacular Variety of London

How is Your Daily Life Like?

Drinking Tea, Working, Watching Movies

Outdoor Activities You Enjoy Doing?

Going for a Walk

Meet Banu!

Where Are You From Originally?


When Did You Start Providing Internships and Volunteer Travels?

August 2014

Where Else Did You Travel to So Far?

Turkey, France, Italy, Spain, England,Wales,Ireland, Switzerland

What's Your Interest in General?

Food and Sleep, Music, Cinema, Museums

What Do You Love about Your Job?

speaking English and helping students to fulfill their dream to work abroad.

What Do You Dislike about Your Job?

Long Office Hours

What Do You Want to Show to Volunteers about Your (New) Home Country?

London city panorama, international cultures, history, and art of the city.

Tell Us about Your Routines?

get up, work, gym, dinner, sleep

What Do You Do to Relax Your Mind?

watch series, read, listen to music

Any Outdoor Activities You Enjoy?

Long Walks, Sightseeing

Any Personal Plans You'd Like to Share?

Work on My Career

Meet Henry!

Where are You Originally From?

Berlin, Germany

When Did You Start Providing Internships and Volunteer Travels?

Brazil, Argentina, Spain, Italy, Turkey, Morocco, France, Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, Sweden, Ireland, Scotland, England, Poland, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Austria

What are Your Interests in General?

Music, Foreign Countries, and Cultures

What do You Love about Your Job?

Interesting Tasks, Interaction with Clients and Business Partners, Team-Work

What do You Want to Show to Volunteers about Your (New) Home Country?

The Cultures, Secret Spots, Nightlife, Food, and Leisure Activities in London

What are Your Daily Routines?

Getting Up, Getting Ready for Work, Working, Get back Home, Go to Gym, Dinner, Bed

Where are You Originally From?

East Friesland, Lower Saxony, Germany

When Did You Start Providing Internships an Volunteer Travels?

October, 21st - 2014

Where Else Have You Traveled So Far?

Salamanca and Madrid in Spain, Montataire, and Paris in France, Amsterdam and Groningen in the Netherlands and of course London in the UK

What Do You Love about Your Job?

Meeting different people with different skills and different personal plans from everywhere.

What do You do at Home to Relax Your Mind?

Meeting different people with different skills and different personal plans from everywhere.

What Do You Love about Your Job?

Meeting different people with different skills and different personal plans from everywhere.

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